Sandon WA INC is our non for profit arm that enables us to give back to the community.


Sandon WA INC exists to provide all members of the community, regardless of age, skill level, gender or sexual orientation with a supportive and socially inclusive environment to participate in training and upskilling opportunities in the resources sector in particular jobs in the mining, civil and transport industries. 

The Sandon WA committee will encourage, administer, promote, and advance training opportunities in Western Australia through upskilling, training opportunities, personal career development, and career growth opportunities.

Sandon WA Inc.’s success will be promoted on our news page.


Two reasons;

First, ‘Sand’ is what the mining, civil and transport industries are built on.

Putting Sand on top builds the industry’s future.

The second reason is our founder’s children’s names are Santos and Adonis.

SAN—DON is an accumulation of these names. This organisation is our commitment to future generations in our industry and our children’s legacy, which will encourage them to give back to their community.

If you would like to hear more about Sandon WA Inc. or partner with us to impact our sector, please visit the Contact Us page.